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AWS CLI - Shorthand Parser [Python]

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Table of contents
  1. Context
  2. Problem
  3. Overview
  4. Implementation details
  5. Testing
  6. References
  7. Copyright notice


AWS CLI provides a unified command line interface to Amazon Web Services.

AWS CLI can accept many of its option parameters in JSON format. However, it can be tedious to enter large JSON lists or structures on the command line. To make this easier, the AWS CLI also supports a shorthand syntax that enables a simpler representation of your option parameters than using the full JSON format.

Example shorthand params:

--option key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3

Example command:

$ aws dynamodb update-table \
    --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=15,WriteCapacityUnits=10 \
    --table-name MyDDBTable


These shorthand commands need to be parsed. The implementation is complicated by the necessity to remain backwards compatible with a pre-existing parser.


When the argument parser sees that an argument should be parsed as a shorthand, it passes it down to the ShorthandParser and then applies the compatibility wrapper.

Implementation details

The code for the shorthand parser is quite clear and self-documenting. Note how every method is very short and only does one thing.

Many parsing methods start with a comment explaining the format of the string they are parsing. E.g. # keyval = key "=" [values] in the beginning of the _keyval method makes it very clear what this method does.

class ShorthandParser(object):
    """Parses shorthand syntax in the CLI.
    Note that this parser does not rely on any JSON models to control
    how to parse the shorthand syntax.

    _SINGLE_QUOTED = _NamedRegex('singled quoted', r'\'(?:\\\\|\\\'|[^\'])*\'')
    _DOUBLE_QUOTED = _NamedRegex('double quoted', r'"(?:\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"')
    _START_WORD = u'\!\#-&\(-\+\--\<\>-Z\\\\-z\u007c-\uffff'
    _FIRST_FOLLOW_CHARS = u'\s\!\#-&\(-\+\--\\\\\^-\|~-\uffff'
    _SECOND_FOLLOW_CHARS = u'\s\!\#-&\(-\+\--\<\>-\uffff'
    _ESCAPED_COMMA = '(\\\\,)'
    _FIRST_VALUE = _NamedRegex(
    _SECOND_VALUE = _NamedRegex(

    def __init__(self):
        self._tokens = []

    def parse(self, value):
        """Parse shorthand syntax.
        For example::
            parser = ShorthandParser()
            parser.parse('a=b')  # {'a': 'b'}
            parser.parse('a=b,c')  # {'a': ['b', 'c']}
        :tpye value: str
        :param value: Any value that needs to be parsed.
        :return: Parsed value, which will be a dictionary.
        self._input_value = value
        self._index = 0
        return self._parameter()

    def _parameter(self):
        # parameter = keyval *("," keyval)
        params = {}
        key, val = self._keyval()
        params[key] = val
        last_index = self._index
        while self._index < len(self._input_value):
            self._expect(',', consume_whitespace=True)
            key, val = self._keyval()
            # If a key is already defined, it is likely an incorrectly written
            # shorthand argument. Raise an error to inform the user.
            if key in params:
                raise DuplicateKeyInObjectError(
                    key, self._input_value, last_index + 1
            params[key] = val
            last_index = self._index
        return params

    def _keyval(self):
        # keyval = key "=" [values]
        key = self._key()
        self._expect('=', consume_whitespace=True)
        values = self._values()
        return key, values

    def _key(self):
        # key = 1*(alpha / %x30-39 / %x5f / %x2e / %x23)  ; [a-zA-Z0-9\-_.#/]
        valid_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '-_.#/:'
        start = self._index
        while not self._at_eof():
            if self._current() not in valid_chars:
            self._index += 1
        return self._input_value[start:self._index]

    def _values(self):
        # values = csv-list / explicit-list / hash-literal
        if self._at_eof():
            return ''
        elif self._current() == '[':
            return self._explicit_list()
        elif self._current() == '{':
            return self._hash_literal()
            return self._csv_value()

    def _csv_value(self):
        # Supports either:
        # foo=bar     -> 'bar'
        #     ^
        # foo=bar,baz -> ['bar', 'baz']
        #     ^
        first_value = self._first_value()
        if self._at_eof() or self._input_value[self._index] != ',':
            return first_value
        self._expect(',', consume_whitespace=True)
        csv_list = [first_value]
        # Try to parse remaining list values.
        # It's possible we don't parse anything:
        # a=b,c=d
        #     ^-here
        # In the case above, we'll hit the ShorthandParser,
        # backtrack to the comma, and return a single scalar
        # value 'b'.
        while True:
                current = self._second_value()
                if self._at_eof():
                self._expect(',', consume_whitespace=True)
            except ShorthandParseSyntaxError:
                # Backtrack to the previous comma.
                # This can happen when we reach this case:
                # foo=a,b,c=d,e=f
                #     ^-start
                # foo=a,b,c=d,e=f
                #          ^-error, "expected ',' received '='
                # foo=a,b,c=d,e=f
                #        ^-backtrack to here.
                if self._at_eof():
        if len(csv_list) == 1:
            # Then this was a foo=bar case, so we expect
            # this to parse to a scalar value 'bar', i.e
            # {"foo": "bar"} instead of {"bar": ["bar"]}
            return first_value
        return csv_list

    def _value(self):
        result = self._FIRST_VALUE.match(self._input_value[self._index:])
        if result is not None:
            consumed = self._consume_matched_regex(result)
            return consumed.replace('\\,', ',').rstrip()
        return ''

    def _explicit_list(self):
        # explicit-list = "[" [value *(",' value)] "]"
        self._expect('[', consume_whitespace=True)
        values = []
        while self._current() != ']':
            val = self._explicit_values()
            if self._current() != ']':
        return values

    def _explicit_values(self):
        # values = csv-list / explicit-list / hash-literal
        if self._current() == '[':
            return self._explicit_list()
        elif self._current() == '{':
            return self._hash_literal()
            return self._first_value()

    def _hash_literal(self):
        self._expect('{', consume_whitespace=True)
        keyvals = {}
        while self._current() != '}':
            key = self._key()
            self._expect('=', consume_whitespace=True)
            v = self._explicit_values()
            if self._current() != '}':
            keyvals[key] = v
        return keyvals

    def _first_value(self):
        # first-value = value / single-quoted-val / double-quoted-val
        if self._current() == "'":
            return self._single_quoted_value()
        elif self._current() == '"':
            return self._double_quoted_value()
        return self._value()

    def _single_quoted_value(self):
        # single-quoted-value = %x27 *(val-escaped-single) %x27
        # val-escaped-single  = %x20-26 / %x28-7F / escaped-escape /
        #                       (escape single-quote)
        return self._consume_quoted(self._SINGLE_QUOTED, escaped_char="'")

    def _consume_quoted(self, regex, escaped_char=None):
        value = self._must_consume_regex(regex)[1:-1]
        if escaped_char is not None:
            value = value.replace("\\%s" % escaped_char, escaped_char)
            value = value.replace("\\\\", "\\")
        return value

    def _double_quoted_value(self):
        return self._consume_quoted(self._DOUBLE_QUOTED, escaped_char='"')

    def _second_value(self):
        if self._current() == "'":
            return self._single_quoted_value()
        elif self._current() == '"':
            return self._double_quoted_value()
            consumed = self._must_consume_regex(self._SECOND_VALUE)
            return consumed.replace('\\,', ',').rstrip()

    def _expect(self, char, consume_whitespace=False):
        if consume_whitespace:
        if self._index >= len(self._input_value):
            raise ShorthandParseSyntaxError(self._input_value, char,
                                            'EOF', self._index)
        actual = self._input_value[self._index]
        if actual != char:
            raise ShorthandParseSyntaxError(self._input_value, char,
                                            actual, self._index)
        self._index += 1
        if consume_whitespace:

    def _must_consume_regex(self, regex):
        result = regex.match(self._input_value[self._index:])
        if result is not None:
            return self._consume_matched_regex(result)
        raise ShorthandParseSyntaxError(self._input_value, '<%s>' %,
                                        '<none>', self._index)

    def _consume_matched_regex(self, result):
        start, end = result.span()
        v = self._input_value[self._index+start:self._index+end]
        self._index += (end - start)
        return v

    def _current(self):
        # If the index is at the end of the input value,
        # then _EOF will be returned.
        if self._index < len(self._input_value):
            return self._input_value[self._index]
        return _EOF

    def _at_eof(self):
        return self._index >= len(self._input_value)

    def _backtrack_to(self, char):
        while self._index >= 0 and self._input_value[self._index] != char:
            self._index -= 1

    def _consume_whitespace(self):
        while self._current() != _EOF and self._current() in string.whitespace:
            self._index += 1

Backwards-compatibility layer. It uses the classical Visitor pattern to process the output of the parser.

class BackCompatVisitor(ModelVisitor):
    def _visit_list(self, parent, shape, name, value):
        if not isinstance(value, list):
            # Convert a -> [a] because they specified
            # "foo=bar", but "bar" should really be ["bar"].
            if value is not None:
                parent[name] = [value]
            return super(BackCompatVisitor, self)._visit_list(
                parent, shape, name, value)

    def _visit_scalar(self, parent, shape, name, value):
        if value is None:
        type_name = shape.type_name
        if type_name in ['integer', 'long']:
            parent[name] = int(value)
        elif type_name in ['double', 'float']:
            parent[name] = float(value)
        elif type_name == 'boolean':
            # We want to make sure we only set a value
            # only if "true"/"false" is specified.
            if value.lower() == 'true':
                parent[name] = True
            elif value.lower() == 'false':
                parent[name] = False

Its purpose explained:

However, because there was a pre-existing shorthand parser, we need
to remain backwards compatible with the previous parser.  One of the
things the previous parser did was use the associated JSON model to
control how the expression was parsed.
In order to accommodate this a post processing class is provided that
takes the parsed values from the `ShorthandParser` as well as the
corresponding JSON model for the CLI argument and makes any adjustments
necessary to maintain backwards compatibility.  This is done in the
`BackCompatVisitor` class.


The test suite is quite comprehensive.

E.g. see happy tests:

    # Key val pairs with scalar value.
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=bar', {'foo': 'bar'})
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=bar', {'foo': 'bar'})
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=bar,baz=qux', {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qux'})
    yield (_can_parse, 'a=b,c=d,e=f', {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd', 'e': 'f'})
    # Empty values are allowed.
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=', {'foo': ''})
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=,bar=', {'foo': '', 'bar': ''})
    # Unicode is allowed.
    yield (_can_parse, u'foo=\u2713', {'foo': u'\u2713'})
    yield (_can_parse, u'foo=\u2713,\u2713', {'foo': [u'\u2713', u'\u2713']})
    # Key val pairs with csv values.
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=a,b', {'foo': ['a', 'b']})
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=a,b,c', {'foo': ['a', 'b', 'c']})
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=a,b,bar=c,d', {'foo': ['a', 'b'],
                                           'bar': ['c', 'd']})
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=a,b,c,bar=d,e,f',
           {'foo': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'bar': ['d', 'e', 'f']})
    # Spaces in values are allowed.
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=a,b=with space', {'foo': 'a', 'b': 'with space'})
    # Trailing spaces are still ignored.
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=a,b=with trailing space  ',
           {'foo': 'a', 'b': 'with trailing space'})
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=first space',
           {'foo': 'first space'})
    yield (_can_parse, 'foo=a space,bar=a space,baz=a space',
           {'foo': 'a space', 'bar': 'a space', 'baz': 'a space'})
    # ...


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