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Jest - Test Sequencer [TypeScript]

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Table of contents
  1. Context
  2. Problem
  3. Overview
  4. Implementation details
  5. Testing
  6. Related
  7. References
  8. Copyright notice


Jest is a JavaScript testing framework designed to ensure correctness of any JavaScript codebase. It allows you to write tests with an approachable, familiar and feature-rich API that gives you results quickly. - The official website.

Jest runs tests in parallel. The number of workers defaults to the number of the cores available on your machine minus one for the main thread - see --maxWorkers.


Jest needs to decide which tests should run first. Sorting tests is very important because it has a great impact on the user-perceived responsiveness and speed of the test run.


Tests are sorted based on:

  1. Has it failed during the last run?
    • Since it’s important to provide the most expected feedback as quickly as possible.
  2. How long it took to run?
    • Because running long tests first is an effort to minimize worker idle time at the end of a long test run.

And if that information is not available, they are sorted based on file size since big test files usually take longer to complete.

Implementation details

The sorting method implementing the logic described above. The code is straightforward enough to not require further explanation.

Note that newly added tests will run after failed tests but before the rest of other tests.

sort(tests: Array<Test>): Array<Test> {
  const stats: {[path: string]: number} = {};
  const fileSize = ({path, context: {hasteFS}}: Test) =>
    stats[path] || (stats[path] = hasteFS.getSize(path) || 0);
  const hasFailed = (cache: Cache, test: Test) =>
    cache[test.path] && cache[test.path][0] === FAIL;
  const time = (cache: Cache, test: Test) =>
    cache[test.path] && cache[test.path][1];

  tests.forEach(test => (test.duration = time(this._getCache(test), test)));
  return tests.sort((testA, testB) => {
    const cacheA = this._getCache(testA);
    const cacheB = this._getCache(testB);
    const failedA = hasFailed(cacheA, testA);
    const failedB = hasFailed(cacheB, testB);
    const hasTimeA = testA.duration != null;
    if (failedA !== failedB) {
      return failedA ? -1 : 1;
    } else if (hasTimeA != (testB.duration != null)) {
      // If only one of two tests has timing information, run it last
      return hasTimeA ? 1 : -1;
    } else if (testA.duration != null && testB.duration != null) {
      return testA.duration < testB.duration ? 1 : -1;
    } else {
      return fileSize(testA) < fileSize(testB) ? 1 : -1;

It’s invoked from runTest.ts.

Reading and writing the last run results. Note that different tests can run in different contexts.

_getCache(test: Test): Cache {
  const {context} = test;
  if (!this._cache.has(context) && context.config.cache) {
    const cachePath = this._getCachePath(context);
    if (fs.existsSync(cachePath)) {
      try {
          JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(cachePath, 'utf8')),
      } catch {}

  let cache = this._cache.get(context);
  if (!cache) {
    cache = {};
    this._cache.set(context, cache);

  return cache;

// ...

cacheResults(tests: Array<Test>, results: AggregatedResult): void {
  const map = Object.create(null);
  tests.forEach(test => (map[test.path] = test));
  results.testResults.forEach(testResult => {
    if (testResult && map[testResult.testFilePath] && !testResult.skipped) {
      const cache = this._getCache(map[testResult.testFilePath]);
      const perf = testResult.perfStats;
      cache[testResult.testFilePath] = [
        testResult.numFailingTests ? FAIL : SUCCESS,
        perf.runtime || 0,

  this._cache.forEach((cache, context) =>
    fs.writeFileSync(this._getCachePath(context), JSON.stringify(cache)),

There’s also a method, supporting the --onlyFailures option, to get tests that failed during the last run. It must have been placed in TestSequencer because it has access to the data about the last run.


The ordering logic is covered by unit tests. E.g. testing that it “sorts based on failures, timing information and file size”:

test('sorts based on failures, timing information and file size', () => {
  fs.readFileSync.mockImplementationOnce(() =>
      '/test-a.js': [SUCCESS, 5],
      '/test-ab.js': [FAIL, 1],
      '/test-c.js': [FAIL],
      '/test-d.js': [SUCCESS, 2],
      '/test-efg.js': [FAIL],
    {context, duration: undefined, path: '/test-efg.js'},
    {context, duration: undefined, path: '/test-c.js'},
    {context, duration: 1, path: '/test-ab.js'},
    {context, duration: 5, path: '/test-a.js'},
    {context, duration: 2, path: '/test-d.js'},
  • Ordering tests in jUnit4. As far as we can see, it doesn’t do similar tricks.
  • Ordering tests in RSpec. It supports random and recently modified modes.


Jest is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.