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ZooKeeper - Trie [Java]

Apache ZooKeeper
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Table of contents
  1. Context
  2. Problem
  3. Overview
  4. Implementation details
  5. Testing
  6. Observations
  7. References
  8. Copyright notice


Apache ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services. ZooKeeper manipulates znodes - data objects organized hierarchically as in file systems.


As a part of the quota management, ZooKeeper needs to find the longest stored prefix for a given path.


ZooKeeper implements the Trie data structure to find the longest stored prefix for a given path.

The implementation is thread-safe. ReadWriteLock is used - the read lock may be held simultaneously by multiple reader threads, so long as there are no writers. The write lock is exclusive.

Implementation details

The implementation is rather short and self-explanatory:

  * a class that implements prefix matching for
  * components of a filesystem path. the trie
  * looks like a tree with edges mapping to
  * the component of a path.
  * example /ab/bc/cf would map to a trie
  *           /
  *        ab/
  *        (ab)
  *      bc/
  *       /
  *      (bc)
  *   cf/
  *   (cf)
 public class PathTrie {

     /** Logger for this class */
     private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PathTrie.class);

     /** Root node of PathTrie */
     private final TrieNode rootNode;

     private final ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true);

     private final Lock readLock = lock.readLock();

     private final Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock();

     static class TrieNode {

         final String value;
         final Map<String, TrieNode> children;
         boolean property;
         TrieNode parent;

          * Create a trie node with parent as parameter.
          * @param parent the parent of this node
          * @param value the value stored in this node
         private TrieNode(TrieNode parent, String value) {
             this.value = value;
             this.parent = parent;
    = false;
             this.children = new HashMap<>(4);

          * Get the parent of this node.
          * @return the parent node
         TrieNode getParent() {
             return this.parent;

          * set the parent of this node.
          * @param parent the parent to set to
         void setParent(TrieNode parent) {
             this.parent = parent;

          * A property that is set for a node - making it special.
         void setProperty(boolean prop) {
    = prop;

          * The property of this node.
          * @return the property for this node
         boolean hasProperty() {

          * The value stored in this node.
          * @return the value stored in this node
         public String getValue() {
             return this.value;

          * Add a child to the existing node.
          * @param childName the string name of the child
          * @param node the node that is the child
         void addChild(String childName, TrieNode node) {
             this.children.putIfAbsent(childName, node);

          * Delete child from this node.
          * @param childName the name of the child to be deleted
         void deleteChild(String childName) {
             this.children.computeIfPresent(childName, (key, childNode) -> {
                 // Node no longer has an external property associated

                 // Delete it if it has no children (is a leaf node)
                 if (childNode.isLeafNode()) {
                     return null;

                 return childNode;

          * Return the child of a node mapping to the input child name.
          * @param childName the name of the child
          * @return the child of a node
         TrieNode getChild(String childName) {
             return this.children.get(childName);

          * Get the list of children of this trienode.
          * @return A collection containing the node's children
         Collection<String> getChildren() {
             return children.keySet();

          * Determine if this node is a leaf (has no children).
          * @return true if this node is a lead node; otherwise false
         boolean isLeafNode() {
             return children.isEmpty();

         public String toString() {
             return "TrieNode [name=" + value + ", property=" + property + ", children=" + children.keySet() + "]";


      * Construct a new PathTrie with a root node.
     public PathTrie() {
         this.rootNode = new TrieNode(null, "/");

      * Add a path to the path trie. All paths are relative to the root node.
      * @param path the path to add to the trie
     public void addPath(final String path) {
         Objects.requireNonNull(path, "Path cannot be null");

         if (path.length() == 0) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path: " + path);
         final String[] pathComponents = split(path);

         try {
             TrieNode parent = rootNode;
             for (final String part : pathComponents) {
                 TrieNode child = parent.getChild(part);
                 if (child == null) {
                     child = new TrieNode(parent, part);
                     parent.addChild(part, child);
                 parent = child;
         } finally {

      * Delete a path from the trie. All paths are relative to the root node.
      * @param path the path to be deleted
     public void deletePath(final String path) {
         Objects.requireNonNull(path, "Path cannot be null");

         if (path.length() == 0) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path: " + path);
         final String[] pathComponents = split(path);

         try {
             TrieNode parent = rootNode;
             for (final String part : pathComponents) {
                 if (parent.getChild(part) == null) {
                     // the path does not exist
                 parent = parent.getChild(part);
                 LOG.debug("{}", parent);

             final TrieNode realParent = parent.getParent();
         } finally {

      * Return true if the given path exists in the trie, otherwise return false;
      * All paths are relative to the root node.
      * @param path the input path
      * @return the largest prefix for the
     public boolean existsNode(final String path) {
         Objects.requireNonNull(path, "Path cannot be null");

         if (path.length() == 0) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path: " + path);
         final String[] pathComponents = split(path);

         try {
             TrieNode parent = rootNode;
             for (final String part : pathComponents) {
                 if (parent.getChild(part) == null) {
                     // the path does not exist
                     return false;
                 parent = parent.getChild(part);
                 LOG.debug("{}", parent);
         } finally {
         return true;

      * Return the largest prefix for the input path. All paths are relative to the
      * root node.
      * @param path the input path
      * @return the largest prefix for the input path
     public String findMaxPrefix(final String path) {
         Objects.requireNonNull(path, "Path cannot be null");

         final String[] pathComponents = split(path);

         try {
             TrieNode parent = rootNode;
             TrieNode deepestPropertyNode = null;
             for (final String element : pathComponents) {
                 parent = parent.getChild(element);
                 if (parent == null) {
                     LOG.debug("{}", element);
                 if (parent.hasProperty()) {
                     deepestPropertyNode = parent;

             if (deepestPropertyNode == null) {
                 return "/";

             final Deque<String> treePath = new ArrayDeque<>();
             TrieNode node = deepestPropertyNode;
             while (node != this.rootNode) {
                 node = node.parent;
             return "/" + String.join("/", treePath);
         } finally {

      * Clear all nodes in the trie.
     public void clear() {
         try {
         } finally {

     private static String[] split(final String path){
         return Stream.of(path.split("/"))
                 .filter(t -> !t.trim().isEmpty())



PathTrieTest covers all public methods of PathTrie.

For instance, tests for findMaxPrexix:

public void findMaxPrefixNullPath() {
    assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> {

public void findMaxPrefixRootPath() {
    assertEquals("/", this.pathTrie.findMaxPrefix("/"));

public void findMaxPrefixChildren() {

    assertEquals("/node1", this.pathTrie.findMaxPrefix("/node1"));
    assertEquals("/node1/node2", this.pathTrie.findMaxPrefix("/node1/node2"));
    assertEquals("/node1/node3", this.pathTrie.findMaxPrefix("/node1/node3"));

public void findMaxPrefixChildrenPrefix() {

    assertEquals("/node1", this.pathTrie.findMaxPrefix("/node1/node2"));
    assertEquals("/node1", this.pathTrie.findMaxPrefix("/node1/node3"));


  • Deques are used to temporarily store values in paths from nodes up to the root. Deques are designed to support element insertion and removal at both ends, but this implementation only adds elements to the front and never removes elements. So a simple LinkedList would do. However, ArrayDeque may be more efficient.


Zookeeper is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.